Monday, 2 July 2018

Elephants, Air museum, Planetarium, Goa.


A while back we went to the local safari park and it stated that the animals were free to come and go in the forest as they pleased. There were also caged areas for injured animals, cubs and endangered animals. The wild animals were near the caged ones so we doubted that the claims were true. But then this week a funny story emerged. The elephants are left in the forest overnight by the mahoots to graze. On Tuesdays the safari/zoo is closed so the elephants have been coming out of the forest early in the morning and harassing the local shopkeepers. They surround the local shops and steal coconuts, bananas and any fruit or food they can get their trunks on. They then run away as fast as they can. They also look like they are laughing at their heinous act by raising their trunks. It was all captured on camera and it was on the local news. So it seems they are truly wild and know when they are on to good thing.

The elephants laughing as they run away.

Air Museum

We went to the air museum last week and it was an oasis of calm and tranquility. The gardens were well kept and it was dust free. No rubbish too. There were some old planes on display, a simulator of a plane and lots of information. It kept the boys entertained for a few hours. It is opposite the military airport ( a bit like Conningsby) and we saw some helicopters land and take off.


We also went to the planetarium with our friends. That turned out to be a rather a trek with a stop/start journey of 2 hours for a short distance into the city. Once there our 5 ran like wild animals that had been released!
 There was a wonderful film show about the sky and planets with reclining seats so that you looked up to watch the film. Outside there was a park with physics activities for the children to do and discover. One was a satellite dish that you spoke into and if someone went to the other satellite dish on the opposite side of the park you could hold a very clear conversation. There were several Indian school parties there who were delighted to talk to us. The youngest group of children were 7/8 years old and when it was lunch time they sat down for nearly and hour without moving. They were so well behaved.
Unfortunately, there was not a cafe. Luckily I had taken a few snacks, carrots, fruit etc and we had to contend with this until we got back at 3. They managed to survive the journey without dying of hunger!

A cow relaxing by the roadside - we needed entertainment on the journey.


Meanwhile, Andrew went on his own to Goa for a conference of sorts for two days. We decided not to go with him because Goa in the monsoon can be really wet and it was. There was heavy rain and the sea was rough. We had lovely weather in Bangalore so we were pleased we stayed here as we would have been marooned in a hotel instead of doing all of our activities .

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