Saturday, 24 February 2018

Monkey visit, , Captain Underpants,coconut catchers, squirrels

Monkey Visit

Max and Milo had already gone to school the other morning , when Mala silently beckoned us as soon as she came in the house . "Monkey", she said in a hushed tone.
Outside the kitchen window, was a huge monkey, calmly walking along the wall. We watched him walk past two windows then we all ran outside to see where he would go , which was over the neighbour's wall.
Then Mala ran back in to close the patio doors in case there were any more that we hadn't spotted. It was really exciting and it was a shame that the boys weren't there. Apparently, the outer edge of Palm Meadows do have monkeys but it is very unusual for them to appear here.

Captain Underpants

It was wear an outfit for book day at school and in typical Cole style we forgot all about it. Milo was very quick thinking and put his spare underpants on his head (which then transferred to be over his shorts) and he said that he was Captain Underpants so we were impressed with his quick thinking (makes a change !)
When they got to school, there were patterns all over the dining room floor. Max was intelligent enough( makes a change!) to take a photo. When we asked why the patterns were on the floor , he declared that he had no idea. At least he managed to take a photo!

Coconut catchers

The other day, when we were lounging by the swimming pool, we noticed the coconut catchers . Lone coconuts can be spotted on the road when they fall from the trees. Some trees have nets around their trunks to catch the coconuts and they are quite a few in Palm Meadows.


The days are getting hotter and the other day Max was being a teenager and moping in his bedroom when I went in to leave his laundry ( that Mala had ironed but at least I took it !). The room was hot so I went to open the doors . Max was immediately distracted from the computer . Apparently there had been three stripy squirrels on his balcony and they had attempted to break in. We then heard lots of rustling in the trees behind the house and there they were, leaping between the branches. Max did open his doors when they had scampered off.

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