Monday, 5 February 2018

Shopping again!

Monday morning , Mala and I were looking in the fridge to see what needs ordering for meals etc. Lots of withered leaves of various plants were in there and wizened lemons and oranges. I proudly showed her my new online shopping list ready to be activated . Arjun appeared and after a brief discussion they decided that we were actually going to the shops so they could do a "proper " shop. Milo was  home due to looking very pale and off colour but said he'd be fine. So off we went to the local supermarket. It started well with them paying attention to my shopping but soon I was pushing the trolley and both Arjun and Mala were squeezing various fruits and vegetables and demanding things from the shop assistants. They went off in different directions ,as did Milo, and it was a bit like herding sheep trying to get them back together. Arjun checked every price to make sure it was not too expensive and Mala was opening random packets and sampling the food to make sure it was good quality!
The trolley was completely full and I am still not sure what exactly we bought but Mala now feels she can cook properly.
Or so I thought until Arjun brought Andrew home this evening. "Why does Arjun need money for cooking things ?" He asked puzzled.
Now I know we needed a "mixy" but didn't know what it was and also a pan for dosa but Arjun went off and returned an hour later with 2 pressure cooker saucepans , an idly maker ( don't know ?!) a mixy ( a supersonic blender with different levels ) a flat saucepan and a long handled lighter to stop us blowing ourselves up when we light the stove .
It's all very exciting as we are going to try as many Indian dishes as we can but obviously need the correct pans etc to do this . Mala has made some wonderful dishes and is going to make some more . Now she's got all the equipment she needs and I won't touch any of it as I haven't got a clue !

September 2024 -We have moved – again!

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