Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Playdates ,more school days off! Online shopping, power cuts and doctors.

Tuesday 23rd January 2018

Play dates

Milo has just gone past me on the bus on his way to someone else's house for a play date and not even waved to me! He was knelt up in the bus chatting away to all his friends.
Max got off the bus , got on his bike and cycled home. He quickly got changed and now he too has disappeared to someone else's house.
They have both made so many new friends that it is hard keeping track of them all! Both Max and Milo have photos and pictures of their British school friends in their bedrooms and so they feel that they have not deserted them but we are pleased that they have so many new friends. Being in this complex means that they can just go off and play and ,of course, the weather is so beautiful that there is choice of adventurous things to do in the open air. We are all using our bikes to get the boys to the bus stop in the morning. It is lovely and cool then.

More school days off!

Max and Milo are really pleased that this week they have a short week .Max was off on Monday as it was a parent /teacher meeting day.  Tomorrow the school is shutting at lunch time on the advice of police. The bus has to pass through a village that has a special festival for 4 days and so the road gets blocked, apparently last year they were at least an hour late. The festival has big ornate floats that travel slowly down the roads to the temples.
Thursday is a general strike day in Bangalore over a dispute between neighbouring states on the availability of water so the buses do not run and shops shut. ( No maid either ! I may have to do something !)
On Friday , it is a republic day with kite flying , competitions , bonfires and all sorts of events going on,so another school holiday ( and work holiday so Andrew not too pleased!) We are going to go and see what goes on at the club as there is all sorts on Friday.
It is not all good news for the boys though, as the school has said that an extra school day will be included on a Saturday in May!

Online shopping.

We tried food shopping online and it was really good. That is going to save a lot of time and hassle. The tomatoes were 16 rupees for 1 kg ( about 20p), the bananas 30p for about 10 . No Lurpak was bought !

This meant that Mala was overjoyed because we now had more food in the fridge. She is delighted that we want to try Indian food and has planned so many different meals that I am confused. She is not partial to french stick every day and so made a biryani which was lovely ( bit spicy so she is going to tone it down tomorrow !)

Power cut

We had our first power cut last night and it was quite interesting. We do have a back up system that operates the lights and maybe one machine (kettle or coffee machine) but that is it until full power is restored . It didn't take too long to come back on but Andrew did spend quite a while using colourful language as he tried to work out what to do !


For our medical insurance we have to have medicals and a doctor turned up with his assistant at 7:30 yesterday morning to weigh us , take blood samples and measure us. We now have to go to the hospital to finish the medical  and that may include going on a treadmill.  Hopefully all the new cycling, swimming and walking will stop us from getting too puffed out !

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